Is This The Pandemic That The World Really Needs?
We’ve all heard it whispered, maybe we’ve mumbled it to ourselves in the dark of night when no-one is listening.
The Coronavirus is very scary, and lots of people will suffer over the coming weeks and months, and that is really tragic. But let’s not kid ourselves, 4000 people per day die from TB. But that doesn’t crash economies or stop the Premier League, so most people don’t really care. We and our media pick and choose who and what to focus on, and most of the time it isn’t the unpeople. That is how our world works.
But, we humans generally like to look on the bright side, or silver line things as I like to say. So let’s go with that approach here and think about some of the positive things that might happen as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Climate could be a big winner, (Gaia anyone?) fewer cars, fewer flights, fewer factory emissions and in the coming weeks probably less of a lot of a whole host of things that are damaging our precious environment.
We will be in no doubt how vital and truly incredible the NHS is, and all its amazing people are. Particularly as we see the American healthcare system struggle. I really do think they could be in big trouble over there, unless they make it more freely available to people.
Physical distancing certainly doesn’t mean social distancing (well put Lorna), and we are seeing some wonderful things happening to help others as communities help each other out. There needs to be caution around too many ideas that could lead to essential support being diluted, or the information becoming confusing or overwhelming for a lot of people most in need (remember, a lot of them won’t be on Twitter), but I’m sure that co-ordination will happen.
Myth or not, in certain parts of the world overpopulation is a big problem. It seems that Coronavirus is impartial, so could have an impact across all global populations, not only the poor countries that no-one really worries about. I read recently that pneumonia used to be called “the old persons friend”, because it was an effective way of seeing people 80+ shuffle of this mortal coil. (Thanks MD) That’s sounds harsh, and it probably is. But if I reach 80+ I don’t want to be kept alive by machines and a cocktail of drugs. Unless I am living and loving life.
I suspect that governments are quietly shitting themselves. No sport, and less news to distract the population with. Of course there’s Corona news now, but soon that is going to become pretty tired. This will leave people with more time to think (and to read) and then to question the Western Veil that shrouds most of us.
The economic package announced yesterday had to happen, and it is a version of a Universal Basic Income. Even so, this pandemic will have a disastrous effect on the economy, and if that gets really bad there will be anarchy. That’s not scare mongering, that’s a fact. Think about how you feel when you’re hungry. Now imagine that being felt for a few days by a few million people.
As supermarkets and their supply chains struggle to keep up, more and more people will turn to buying local, and realise it is often a lot cheaper, tastes better (if its food) and is overall a much nicer way of shopping.
People will crave and fall in love with the outdoors again. There’s nothing that makes something more attractive than if we can’t have it!
This is just week one, and we are in for the long haul it seems. And as people have more time on their hands they will hopefully see the opportunity to unleash their creativity, and in turn feel the enormous benefit that can bring.
With more employers being forced to allow and accommodate home and flexible working, and seeing the benefits of that, there may be less obsession with presenteeism and a movement towards making this the new norm. For many it already is, and has greatly enhanced their quality of life.
Less purchasing of pointless crap. As people are forced to focus on the essentials, they will come to realise that they can survive and even enjoy life without electronic butter warming dishes.
There is no doubt that the days and weeks ahead will be incredibly tough, and full of tragedy for some. And that is very sad. But it is possible that a great deal of good will come out the situation too, perhaps James Lovelock was right after all.